Words in a Nutshell

Miniaturizing Texts in Early Modern England


  • Lucy Razzall Christ's College, University of Cambridge




early modern, England, nutshell, metaphor, Iliad, Bible, print culture


After Philemon Holland’s influential English translation of Pliny’s Natural History was first published in 1601, the Iliad-in-a-nutshell mentioned by Pliny became a commonplace motif of virtuosic compression in early modern England. Engaging with the popularity of this image, this article will explore its implications in early modern print culture. Although the frequently-appearing Iliad-in-a-nutshell might seem but a convenient rhetorical flourish, this article proposes that closer attention to it in the context of the small or miniature might help us to consider broader questions about the intertwining of physical and literary scale in early modern printed books as both texts and material objects. It argues that the miniature book, and more general desires to condense large works such as the Bible into smaller volumes, are not merely virtuosic or frivolous, but a manifestation of a wider anxiety about the relationship between physical size and literary weightiness.

Author Biography

  • Lucy Razzall, Christ's College, University of Cambridge

    Bye-Fellow and Director of Studies in English, Christ's College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.


Primary sources

Gosson, Stephen. 1579. The School of Abuse, Conteining a plesaunt invective against Poets, Pipers, Plaiers, Iesters, and such like Caterpillars of a Commonwelth. London: Thomas Woodcocke.

Holland, Philemon. 1634. The historie of the world: commonly called, The naturall historie of C. Plinus Secundus. London: Adam Islip.

Lye, Thomas. 1673. Reading and Spelling English made Easie. London: A. Maxwell for Thomas Parkhurst.

Reynolds, Edward. 1638. Meditations on the holy sacrament of the Lords last Supper. London: Felix Kyngston.

Shakespeare, William. 1623. Mr. VVilliam Shakespeares comedies, histories, & tragedies. London: Isaac Jaggard and Edward Blount.

Stow, John. 1580. The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. London: Ralphe Newberie.

Taylor, John. 1614. Verbum Sempiternum. Together with Salvator Mundi. London: John Beale for John Hamman.

Weever, John. 1606. An Agnus Dei. London: Val. Sims for Nicholas Lyng.

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How to Cite

Razzall, L. (2019). Words in a Nutshell: Miniaturizing Texts in Early Modern England. Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, 9(2-3), 139-149. https://doi.org/10.1558/post.35977