The Tell-Tale Iconic Book


  • M. Patrick Graham Emory University



icon, Bible, book, woodcut, sixteenth century


This study draws on the corpus of images from sixteenth-century publications available in the Digital Image Archive to explore how books are used in printed images related to biblical interpretation. The investigation finds that images of books are used to indicate: (1) authorship of biblical works; (2) defend the orthodoxy of later writers; (3) to affirm the learning, piety, and social standing of certain writers, saints, and other figures from antiquity; (4) to contend that the message and ministries of certain biblical figures were based on Scripture; and (5) to link antiquity with the Early Modern period.


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How to Cite

Graham, M. P. (2012). The Tell-Tale Iconic Book. Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, 6(1-3), 117-141.