The Taste to Come

The Lick of Faith & the Other-Mouths of Messianism


  • Virgil W. Brower Northwestern University; The Chicago Theological Seminary; Chicago State University



taste, orality, Luther, eucharist, erotic phenomenon, erotic reduction


This article exploits a core defect in the phenomenology of sensation and self. Although phenomenology has made great strides in redeeming the body from cognitive solipsisms that often follow short-sighted readings of Descartes and Kant, it has not grappled with the specific kind of corporeal self-reflexivity that emerges in the oral sense of taste with the thoroughness it deserves. This path is illuminated by the works of Martin Luther, Jean-Luc Marion, and Jacques Derrida as they attempt to think through the specific phenomena accessible through the lips, tongue, and mouth. Their attempts are, in turn, supplemented with detours through Walter Benjamin, Hélène Cixous, and Friedrich Nietzsche. The paper draws attention to the German distinction between Geschmack and Kosten as well as the role taste may play in relation to faith, the call to love, justice, and messianism. The messiah of love and justice will have been that one who proclaims: taste the flesh.

Author Biography

  • Virgil W. Brower, Northwestern University; The Chicago Theological Seminary; Chicago State University

    Virgil Brower is currently a fellow in the Paris Program in Critical Theory and the Full-Time Lecturer of Philosophy at Chicago State University. He is enrolled in a Dual-Ph.D. program between The Chicago Theological Seminary and Comparative Literary Studies at Northwestern University where he co-directs the Paul of Tarsus Reading Group.


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How to Cite

Brower, V. W. (2010). The Taste to Come: The Lick of Faith & the Other-Mouths of Messianism. Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, 3(2-3), 238-262.