The Challenge and Promise of Decolonial Thought to Biblical Interpretation


  • Gregory Allen Banazak Saints Cyril and Methodius Seminary
  • Luis Reyes Ceja Universidad del Valle de Atemajac



decolonial thought, critical theory, Biblical interpretation in Latin America


Critical theory has taken a new turn in Latin America. Post-colonial thought, post-structuralism, cultural studies, liberation thought, subaltern studies, world-systems theory, and other contemporary theoretical foci have combined with indigenous influences to produce a new form of critical theory called decolonial thought. Through its unique take on power, knowledge, culture, history, human existence, and globalization, this thought aims at elaborating not just another paradigm within the typically modern way of thinking but a totally new paradigm the shatters such thinking, a paradigma otro in the lapidary expression of Mignolo. Although it does not explicitly discuss the interpretation of Scripture, decolonial thought holds out promise for an innovative approach to the interpretation of the New Testament. In this article, we offer an overview of decolonial thought, differentiate it from other forms of critical theory, and suggest three potential contributions to Biblical studies.

Author Biographies

  • Gregory Allen Banazak, Saints Cyril and Methodius Seminary

    S.T.D. from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome; Associate Professor of Systematic and Moral Theology, Saints Cyril and Methodius Seminary, Orchard Lake, MI.

  • Luis Reyes Ceja, Universidad del Valle de Atemajac

    S.S.L. from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome; M.A. (Latin American Literature) from the Universidad de Guadalajara; Ph.D. (cand.) in Human Sciences (Education) from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac. Vice Administrador Academico, Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, Guadalajara, Mexico


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How to Cite

Banazak, G. A., & Reyes Ceja, L. (2010). The Challenge and Promise of Decolonial Thought to Biblical Interpretation. Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, 4(1), 113-127.