Editors’ note


  • Pablo Cortés University of Leicester
  • Maria Federica Moscati University of Sussex




editors' note

Author Biographies

  • Pablo Cortés, University of Leicester

    Dr Pablo Cortés is a Senior Lecturer at University of Leicester’s School of Law where he conducts research in the field of consumer law, civil procedure, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). He is currently on research leave (2014/16) while completing two projects: a European grant to research on online mediation and a Nuffield grant to evaluate consumer ADR schemes in the EU. He has been invited to expert meetings and advised the UNCITRAL, the European Commission, and the European Parliament. Pablo is a fellow of the National Centre for Technology and Dispute Resolutions (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) and in 2012 he was a Gould Research Fellow at Stanford University. He serves on the advisory board of NeutralNet and Youstice. He is also a member of the ODR Taskforce of the International Mediation Institute and a member of the ODR Advisory Group of the Civil Justice Council in the UK.

  • Maria Federica Moscati, University of Sussex

    Maria Federica is an Italian advocate and trained mediator. She holds a PhD from SOAS and joined Sussex in January 2015. She has previously convened and lectured at SOAS, Queen Mary and UCL - University of London, and at the University of Shantou in the People’s Republic of China. Before undertaking her doctorate she worked for Save the Children Italy where she specialized in children’s rights. Her main research interests lie in issues relating to ADR, Access to Justice, Comparative Family Law, Children's rights, SOGI. She has published in those areas, and is the author of Pasolini’s Italian Premonitions: Same-Sex Unions and the Law in Comparative Perspective.  Her research projects have been awarded funding by the EU Commission. Among others ,Litigious Love: Same-Sex Couples and Mediation in the European Union, involved a comparative analysis of the use of mediation for resolving intra-family disputes between same-sex partners. Another project, Bleeding Love: Raising Awareness on Domestic and Dating Violence Against Lesbians and Transwomen in the European Union,has investigated domestic and dating violence against lesbian, transgender and bisexual women in Italy. Along with Dr Peter Dunne (University of Bristol), Maria is currently undertaking SLSA-funded research, which explores the voice of trans children in England on the topic of reforms to the Gender Recognition Act 2004.


Cortes, P. (2010) Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union. Abingdon: Routledge.

Cortes, P. (2017) The Law of Consumer Redress in an Evolving Digital Market: Upgrading from Alternative to Online Dispute Resolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781139940900

Menkel-Meadow, C. (2016) Is ODR ADR? Reflections of an ADR founder from 15th ODR Conference, The Hague, 22–3 May 2016. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 3: 4–7. https://doi.org/10.5553/ijodr/235250022016003001002

Nominet. (2020) UK domain disputes. Retrieved from www.nominet.uk/domain-support/uk-domain-disputes. Palmer, M. and Roberts, S. (2020) Dispute Processes: ADR and the Primary Forms of Decision Making, 3rd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781107707467







How to Cite

Cortés, P., & Moscati, M. F. (2020). Editors’ note. Mediation Theory and Practice, 5, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1558/mtp.18645

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