Dynamic Assessment

Promoting In-Service teachers’ conceptual development and pedagogical beliefs in the L2 classroom


  • Próspero N. García Rutgers University




Dynamic Assessment, Concept-based instruction, teacher cognition, beliefs, aspect


This article on teacher cognition explores the implementation of an interactionist Dynamic Assessment (DA) model for mediating and ascertaining in-service L2 teachers’ microgenetic conceptual development after being exposed to Concept- Based Instruction (CBI). Although the effectiveness of this instructional approach in the development of L2 instructors (van Compernolle and Henery, 2015; Williams, Abraham, and Negueruela, 2013), and the use of DA to facilitate L2 development (Anton, 2009; Davin, 2013; Lantolf and Poehner, 2011, 2014; Poehner, 2008) have been both investigated, there is no research addressing the role of DA in fostering the development of in-service L2 teachers’ conceptual language awareness after being exposed to CBI. This article intends to address this gap by exploring the case study of Glinda (pseudonym), an experienced in-service teacher of Spanish whose L1 was also Spanish, and her developing linguistic and pedagogical beliefs regarding the concept of aspect before and after conceptual instruction.

Author Biography

  • Próspero N. García, Rutgers University

    Próspero N. García is associate professor of Spanish applied linguistics at Rutgers University, Camden. His research focuses on sociocultural psychology applied to heritage and second language development, mediated language evaluation and assessment, teachers’ cognition, and technology-enhanced language learning.


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How to Cite

García, P. (2019). Dynamic Assessment: Promoting In-Service teachers’ conceptual development and pedagogical beliefs in the L2 classroom. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 6(1), 32-62. https://doi.org/10.1558/lst.38915