Debt, Epistemology and Ecotheology


  • Philip Goodchild University of Nottingham



theologyof money, ecological crisis, economic globalisation, humanism


The roots of the contemporary ecological crisis demand theological re-description: economic globalisation, driven by debt, is founded on a poor epistemology constructed around a theology of money. Modern and postmodern epistemologies with a humanistic frame of reference, as well as more traditional epistemologies with a naturalistic frame of reference, are inadequate to address the contemporary predicament as well as restrictive in the space they construct for theology. An ecotheology, liberated from secular humanist constraints, is necessary to construct an adequate epistemology.

Author Biography

  • Philip Goodchild, University of Nottingham
    Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK


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How to Cite

Goodchild, P. (2004). Debt, Epistemology and Ecotheology. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 9(2), 151-177.