
A Mystical Survivor!


  • Diarmuid O'Murchu Sacred Heart Missionary Congregation, London




Teilhard, new cosmology, evolution, mysticism, spirituality


Teilhard de Chardin was a seminal figure of twentieth century spirituality. His Christ-centred evolutionary vision inspired new strands like that of Creation-Spirituality and the New Cosmology. While cherished by scholars for his scientific-theological synthesis, his enduring impact belongs to a wider spiritual landscape. He has helped to inspire a new wave of mysticism, celebrating the integration of creation and spirituality, a synthesis that resonates strongly with spiritual seekers of our time.

Author Biography

  • Diarmuid O'Murchu, Sacred Heart Missionary Congregation, London
    Resource Counsellor, Sacred Heart Missionary Congregation (MSC), 60 Highbury Park, London N5 2XH,


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How to Cite

O'Murchu, D. (2005). Teilhard: A Mystical Survivor!. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 10(1), 99-108. https://doi.org/10.1558/ecot.