Every Sparrow that Falls to the Ground

The Cost of Evolution and the Christ-Event


  • Denis Edwards Flinders University




evolution, natural evil, redemption


Contemporary biology presents us with a 3.5 billion year story of life, a story in which there is a great deal of pain, death and extinction of species. For theology, this means an intensification of the old problem of natural evil. This article argues that God does care for individual sparrows. It proposes that we can think of the Spirit of God as being present in love to each creature here and now and of each creature finding redemption in Christ. It explores possible ways of understanding the meaning of redemption for individual sparrows.

Author Biography

  • Denis Edwards, Flinders University
    Senior Lecturer, School of Theology, Flinders University Catholic Theological College, 34 Lipsett Terrace, Brooklyn Park, SA 5032, Australia


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How to Cite

Edwards, D. (2006). Every Sparrow that Falls to the Ground: The Cost of Evolution and the Christ-Event . Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 11(1), 103-123. https://doi.org/10.1558/ecot.2006.11.1.103