Atmospheres of Synergy
Towards an Eco-Theological Aesth/Ethics of Space
space, environmentalism, phenomenology, pneumatology, ethics, eastheticsAbstract
This essay moves the theme of space, place and surrounding from the margins to the centre of Religious Studies/Theology and Environmental Science. After a survey of diverse concepts of space in science, religion and environmentalism, which challenge scholars to explore the ‘trialectics’ of religion at a deeper level, it proceeds to a detailed presentation and discussion of three elaborated approaches in phenomenology, aesth/ethics and anthropology. After having drawn together the three and related them to the study of religion and environment, the third section proposes a reformulation of the agenda of science with regard to nature, religion and
Europe. In conclusion, a pneumatological miniature will suggest a direction for further Christian reflection concerning the salvation of Creation, in synergy with the Spirit of Space.
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