Gender, Religion and the Environment

A University of the Western Cape Case Study


  • Ernst Conradie University of the Western Cape
  • Julia Martin University of the Western Cape



religion, gender, environmentalism


This contribution explores the relationship between gender, religion and the environment in terms of the perceptions of a group of first-year students registered for a course on Environmental Awareness Techniques and Training at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa. The empirical investigation indicates that there is a surprisingly high level of environmental awareness amongst this group, possibly reflecting their different living conditions, but that they were unable to recognize connections between their environmental commitment, their religious affiliation and gender consciousness.

Author Biographies

  • Ernst Conradie, University of the Western Cape
      Department of Religion and Theology, University of theWestern Cape,
  • Julia Martin, University of the Western Cape
    University of the Western Cape


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How to Cite

Conradie, E., & Martin, J. (2006). Gender, Religion and the Environment: A University of the Western Cape Case Study. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 11(4), 431-444.