Nature Is Not What It Used to Be… New Cosmological Orders in Contemporary, Western Astrology


  • Kirstine Munk University of Southern Denmark



western astrology, nature religion, cosmological orders, planetary influence


How does astrology work? This is a question that has concerned practitioners of astrology for as long as astrology has existed. Since astrology is perceived to be a part of the laws of nature, major changes in the perception of nature is also reflected in the ways astrology is perceived to work. During the more recent revival of astrology in the twentieth century, more holistic notions have superseded the idea of planetary influence. However, the Newtonian language persists in astrologers’ writings and in the astrological consultations. This article explores why.

Author Biography

  • Kirstine Munk, University of Southern Denmark
    Centre for Religious Studies, University of Southern Denmark


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How to Cite

Munk, K. (2007). Nature Is Not What It Used to Be… New Cosmological Orders in Contemporary, Western Astrology. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 1(2), 157-171.