Wicca, the Apocalypse, and the Future of the Natural World


  • Shawn Arthur Appalachian State University




Wicca, apocalyptic millenarianism, Gaia, nature religions


The nature-oriented religion Wicca is not normally associated with beliefs about the immanent destruction of the world; however, this ideology is important for many adherents of this tradition. This essay explores the manner by which apocalyptic millenarian beliefs are developed and propagated among Wiccans—as a predominantly oral tradition directly related to their worldview and its inherent focus on the sacredness of the Earth. Additionally, I investigate Wiccan perspectives on the future of the natural world, and their various solutions to perceived environmental problems, in a way that reflects upon the relevance of this study for better understanding both the Wiccan religion and apocalyptic millenarian beliefs. Furthermore, in comparison to trends in other millenarian studies, I discuss the unique reactions that are elicited when proposed apocalyptic changes are delayed and Wiccan environmentalist ideals do not come to fruition.

Author Biography

  • Shawn Arthur, Appalachian State University
    Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion. My focus is on Daoism, Chinese Medicine, and contemporary nature-oriented religions.


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How to Cite

Arthur, S. (2009). Wicca, the Apocalypse, and the Future of the Natural World . Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 2(2), 199-217. https://doi.org/10.1558/jsrnc.v2i2.199