Church and climate change

An examination of the attitudes and practices of Cornish Anglican Churches regarding the environment


  • Michael W. DeLashmutt University of Exeter and Sarum College



environment, theology, practical theology, Cornwall, Anglican, Church of England, Lambeth, Congregations


This article examines the extent to which the Church of England’s institutional environmental policies, practices, and theologies are being translated into the context of the parish church. This study uses a series of focus group interviews to gather data from six parishes around the Diocese of Truro to assess the attitudes towards, and actions regarding, environment and climate change amongst regular Church of England churchgoers. The study suggests that despite a wealth of institutional resources that have been developed to foster theologically informed environmental knowledge, very little awareness of the institutional Church’s ethos is found in the local church context.

Author Biography

  • Michael W. DeLashmutt, University of Exeter and Sarum College
    Deputy Principal / Director of Studies


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How to Cite

DeLashmutt, M. W. (2011). Church and climate change: An examination of the attitudes and practices of Cornish Anglican Churches regarding the environment. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 5(1), 61-81.