Joel M. Hoffman, The Bible Doesn’t Say That: 40 Biblical Mistranslations, Misconceptions, and Other Misunderstandings (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2016), xi + 291 pp., $25.99 (cloth), ISBN: 978-1-250-05948-2.


  • Joseph A. P. Wilson Fairfield University



The Bible, Mistranslation


Author Biography

  • Joseph A. P. Wilson, Fairfield University
    Assistant Professor of Religion


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How to Cite

Wilson, J. A. P. (2017). Joel M. Hoffman, The Bible Doesn’t Say That: 40 Biblical Mistranslations, Misconceptions, and Other Misunderstandings (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2016), xi + 291 pp., $25.99 (cloth), ISBN: 978-1-250-05948-2. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 11(2), 277-280.