Engaged Scholarship in Times of Crisis


  • Jeremy Sorgen Northeastern University
  • Rebecca C Bartel San Diego State University
  • Emma Frances Bloomfield University of Nevada, Las Vegas




Publicly Engaged Scholarship


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McTighe, Laura, and Women With a Vision. 2023. Fire Dreams: Making Black Feminist in the South (Durham: Duke University Press).

Montgomery, Michelle, and Paulette Blanchard. 2021. ‘Testing Justice: New Ways to Address Environmental Inequalities’, The Solutions Journal.

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How to Cite

Sorgen, J., Bartel, R. C., & Bloomfield, E. F. (2024). Engaged Scholarship in Times of Crisis. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 18(4), 435–443. https://doi.org/10.1558/jsrnc.28271