Paradise on Earth

Feraferia and the Landscapes of the Mind


  • Caroline Tully University of Melbourne



Feraferia, Contemporary Paganism, Ecospirituality, Utopia, Earth Mysteries, Goddess Worship, Ecosexuality


Feraferia, ‘a love culture for wilderness’, is a contemporary Pagan religion that celebrates humans’ erotic union with Nature. It was the brainchild of artist, Frederick Adams (1928–2008), who in 1956 had a vision of a universal goddess and subsequently devoted himself to the divine feminine as a ‘Maiden Goddess of the Wilderness’ called Korê. Formally incorporated in 1967, Feraferia became the second Pagan church in US history, and it is still active today. Herein I examine Feraferia through an ecocritical lens, with a particular focus on the role of trees, the anthropomorphisation of nature envisioned as a young female body, ecosexuality, and the construction of henges; circular structures aligned with local topography, used as seasonal and astronomical calendars wherein ritual magic and ‘faerie enchantment’ are employed in order to heal and revitalise the natural world. I demonstrate that Feraferia’s enchanted approach to the world resonates with contemporary ecological activist thought, particularly ecofeminism and ecosexuality. I conclude that many of Feraferia’s ecospiritual concepts have value today because they can heighten conscious awareness of human situatedness within the real physical world, both on our own planet as well as within the wider surrounding space of our part of the universe.


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CLOSED--Special Issue - Pagan Ecospiritualities

How to Cite

Tully, C. (2023). Paradise on Earth: Feraferia and the Landscapes of the Mind. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 17(4), 434–452.