The Environmentalism of the Far-Right Pagans

Blood, Soil, and the Spirits of the Land


  • Helen A Berger Women’s Studies Research Center, Brandeis University



far-right, environmentalism, Heathens, natural law language, population control, deep green ecology


Far-Right Pagans, like most other contemporary Pagans, view their spirituality as earth-based. They are concerned about the environment, however that concern is integrated with their politics of White Supremacy. Based on my research of their online discourse, I find that they use four major themes to frame the environmental crisis: (1) The embrace of human beings as part of the natural world and not above it. (2) The acceptance of natural laws as the basis of ethical behavior. (3) A focus on purity and (4) A view that immigration and more generally human population needs to be limited to protect the environment. All of these to a greater or less degree can be found as aspects of the larger environmental movement. They, however, take a particular twist within the extremist logic and agenda of the far-right that is used to justify their radical solutions.


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CLOSED--Special Issue - Pagan Ecospiritualities

How to Cite

Berger, H. A. (2023). The Environmentalism of the Far-Right Pagans: Blood, Soil, and the Spirits of the Land. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 17(4).