Trojan Horses Facing the Mirror

A Comparison between Religious Anti-Environmental Movement Organizations in the US and Brazil


  • Renan William dos Santos University of São Paulo
  • Laurel D. Kearns Drew Theological School and Drew University



Religious anti-environmental movement organizations, religious environmentalism, faith-based climate contrarianism, climate skepticism, religious framings, religious countermovements, Christian conservatism, Catholic religious ecologies, Evangelical environmentalism, wise use stewardship


We examine the appropriations of stewardship ethics by religious anti-environmental movement organizations (RAEMOs). Based on a qualitative analysis of promotional materials, we highlight similar framing alignment processes carried out by two RAEMOs in different contexts: the US Cornwall Alliance and the Brazilian Institute Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira (IPCO). We found that, despite their different theological inspirations and target audiences, the RAEMOs use the same general master counter-framing to stimulate a sense of battle in which ‘genuine stewards’ must resist anti-Christian ideologies camouflaged as environmentalism, restricting themselves to a pasteurized care for creation, symbolized by the concept of gardening. As for the framing variations, we suggest that they are driven not so much by distinct religious beliefs as by political and economic coalitions, mainly linked to the fossil fuels sector in the North American case, and agribusiness, in the Brazilian case.

Author Biography

  • Renan William dos Santos, University of São Paulo

    Renan William dos Santos is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at the University of São Paulo/Brazil, , with a fellowship provided by The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Religion and Ecology Unit at the American Academy of Religion (AAR). He is also a member of the Working Group on Right-Wing Ecologies, hosted by the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture - ISSRNC. Finally, he is part of the research group "Religious Diversity in Secularized Society", linked to the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and coordinated by Prof. Reginaldo Prandi. His main areas of research are Sociology of Religion, Environmental Sociology, and Max Weber studies. In his thesis, he has been analyzing the strategic incorporation (or contentious opposition, in some cases) of the ecological theme by Christian religions and Christian environmental movements in Brazil. He also conducts analysis on the following topics: moralization of ecological discourses, sacralization of nature, religion and environmentalism, religiously inspired anti-environmentalism and climate denialism, religion and politics, secularization theory, disenchantment of the world, eschatology and millennialism, and sociological theory.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, R. W., & Kearns, L. D. (2024). Trojan Horses Facing the Mirror: A Comparison between Religious Anti-Environmental Movement Organizations in the US and Brazil. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 18(3), 318–344.