

  • Amanda M Nichols University of Florida
  • Bron Taylor University of Southern California



introduction, religion, nature, culture



Author Biography

  • Amanda M Nichols, University of Florida

    Amanda earned her Bachelor’s degree in English and Religion in 2012 from Wake Forest University and her Masters degree in Religious Studies with focus on political and social engagement from University of Missouri in 2015. Her master’s thesis focused on religion and resistance to mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia. Her dissertation research will look at the role of women in the environmental movement in North America since the 1960’s, looking specifically at how religion promotes or hinders environmental attitudes and engagement. Amanda is the Managing Editor of the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture and an assistant editor for The Journal of Buddhist Ethics. She has served as the student representative for the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture for two years, and has been part of their planning committee for two international conferences, New York (2017) and Gainesville (2016). She was one of three students from the United States selected for the Bergen Summer Research Program in Bergen, Norway in 2016 where the focus was on Water Issues and Global Climate Change. Her research interests include environmental, animal, and feminist ethics, affect theory, social theory, radical environmentalism, and gender and the environment.


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How to Cite

Nichols, A. M., & Taylor, B. . (2022). Introduction. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 16(2), 183–185.