Losing (and Finding) Her Religion

Terry Tempest Williams and Dark Green Spirituality


  • Luke Rodewald University of Florida




Terry Tempest Williams, Mormonism, Nature Religion, Dark Green Religion, Ecocentrism, Latter-Day Saints, kinship


Terry Tempest Williams is one of America’s preeminent environmental voices, often infusing her essays with religious rhetoric and symbolism when describing scenes of intimate encounters with nature. While scholars have previously examined the author’s disintegrating relationship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, scant attention has been devoted to considering what Williams’s beliefs and notions of faith have, correspondingly, turned toward. By tracing Williams’s evolving attitudes toward nature, religion, and environmentalism as they emerge in several of her most recognized works, I chart how the author both lost her familial
religion and embraced an entirely new sense of spirituality—one rooted in nature and fully aligned with Bron Taylor’s theoretical conception of ‘dark green religion’. Sketching her trajectory gives further credence to Taylor’s construction, particularly its explanatory power for understanding the recurring and increasingly vocal spiritual calls issued for environmental protection by practitioners such as Williams.


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How to Cite

Rodewald, L. (2023). Losing (and Finding) Her Religion: Terry Tempest Williams and Dark Green Spirituality. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 17(1), 103–128. https://doi.org/10.1558/jsrnc.20091