Regimes of Territoriality

Overseas Conflicts and Inner-European Relations, c. 1870–1930


  • Joachim Berger Leibniz-Institut für Europaeische Geschichte



internationalism, colonialism, territoriality


This essay focuses on territorial conflicts between European masonic bodies outside Europe, and on the impact of these conflicts on inner-European masonic relations. The period between c. 1870 and c. 1930 marks the height of the European expansion respectively the age of ‘high imperialism’. It also marks the first wave of decolonization. The tides of international masonic relations mirror these overall developments. Bilateral territorial conflicts had a major impact on masonic internationalism around 1900 and in the interwar period. Geopolitical rivalry both deepened and blurred the demarcations between the various ideological ‘camps’ of (European) freemasonries. The ‘Association maçonnique internationale’ made efforts to implement a ‘Code de Droit Maçonnique international’ and to establish itself as a global tribunal of arbitration. By the end of the period, territorial jurisdiction had become a key issue when it came to defining masonic ‘regularity’.

Author Biography

  • Joachim Berger, Leibniz-Institut für Europaeische Geschichte

    Joachim Berger holds a PhD from the University of Jena and is currently the research coordinator of the Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) in Mainz.


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How to Cite

Berger, J. (2015). Regimes of Territoriality: Overseas Conflicts and Inner-European Relations, c. 1870–1930. Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, 5(1), 101-115.