Between universal values and national ties

Western European Freemasonries face the challenge of “Europe”, c. 1850–1930


  • Joachim Berger Institute of European History



transnational history, international relations, Europe / pan-European movements, regularity


How did (Western) European freemasonries on a transnational level came to terms with the idea of a closer union of the European peoples? Concepts of “Europe” and “Europeanness” were the background music of the formation of masonic pan-European networks, building on transnational encounters either by individual freemasons (in the Ligue internationale de francs-maçons or at the international masonic manifestations for peace) or by Grand Lodge representatives (at “universal” congresses or via the Bureau international de relations maçonniques and the Association maçonnique internationale). Like all masonic relations, these transnational movements suffered from schisms on religious obligations and political commitments of the lodges. Generally, masonic discourse on a transnational level was characterized by a tension between geographically and politically confined ideas of “Europe” on the one hand and the general ideal of humanitarianism and universal brotherhood on the other.

Author Biography

  • Joachim Berger, Institute of European History

    Dr Joachim Berger is research coordinator at the Institute of European History (Mainz, Germany). His is interested in court society and women's agency in the 18th century, in hero-worship in the early modern period and in transnational encounters of European freemasons in the 19th and 20th century.


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How to Cite

Berger, J. (2011). Between universal values and national ties: Western European Freemasonries face the challenge of “Europe”, c. 1850–1930. Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, 1(2), 203-224.