Patronage and Commerce at the Twilight of Mamluk Rule

Two New Fifteenth Century Inscriptions from the Amuq Plain, Turkey


  • Asa Eger University of North Carolina at Greensboro



Mamluk, trade route, khan, inscription, Qa'itbay, Inal, Amuq


In the last fifty years of Mamluk rule, sultans actively engaged in commerce, warfare, and diplomacy in their northern regions of Syria and Anatolia with the Ottomans, Aqquyunlu, and Dulgadir and Qaraman beyliks. However, scholarship in general neglects the thirty-year period between Barsbay and Qa’itbay (1438–1468) or charts it as a period of decline. Further, aside from textual accounts, there is little material evidence pointing to the nature of interaction: commercial, military, or otherwise. This paper will present two unpublished inscriptions and argue that there is some evidence for Mamluk development and patronage on the frontier. The inscriptions, found in a village or small town in the Amuq Plain near Antakya in the Hatay Province of Turkey, bear the name of two fifteenth-century Mamluk sultans. The inscriptions’ words, location, and context introduce wider evidence of Mamluk sultans as patrons in developing commercial routes and khans and encouraging movement in general across northern Syria. This patronage occurred at a time when the dynamics of political power were fluctuating in surrounding southern Anatolia as they were in Egypt.

Author Biography

  • Asa Eger, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

    Asa Eger is Assistant Professor of Early Islamic History at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. An archaeologist and historian, he has published numerous articles and two books. He has fifteen years field experience in the eastern Mediterranean, most recently completing excavations in Turkey at Tüpraş Field, identified as the eighth to twelfth century frontier site of Ḥiṣn al-Tinat. He has excavated and surveyed in the regions of Cilicia, Antioch, and Mar’ash in Turkey, and in Israel, Greece, and Cyprus. He has also worked on ceramic analysis from these and older museum collections. His books include the recently published The Spaces Between the Teeth: A Gazetteer of Towns on the Islamic Byzantine Frontier and the forthcoming monograph The Islamic-Byzantine Frontier: Interaction and Exchange Among Muslim and Christian Communities. Eger’s work follows themes of frontiers, landscape and settlement archaeology, environmental history, and GIS mainly in the central Islamic lands (Anatolia, Syro-Palestine, and northern Mesopotamia/al-Jazira) from the Byzantine transition until the start of the Middle Islamic period (sixth through twelfth centuries).


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How to Cite

Eger, A. (2014). Patronage and Commerce at the Twilight of Mamluk Rule: Two New Fifteenth Century Inscriptions from the Amuq Plain, Turkey. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 1(1), 55-73.