Seeking Transparency: Rock Crystals across the Medieval Mediterranean, edited by Cynthia Hahn and Avinoam Shalem


  • Hagit Nol Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften Abt. I



mineralogy, luxury goods, Fustat, art history, artifact biography


Seeking Transparency: Rock Crystals across the Medieval Mediterranean, edited by Cynthia Hahn and Avinoam Shalem. Mann Verlag 2020. 334pp., 36 pl., index. Hardback €49. ISBN-13: 9783786128434.


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How to Cite

Nol, H. (2023). Seeking Transparency: Rock Crystals across the Medieval Mediterranean, edited by Cynthia Hahn and Avinoam Shalem. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 9(2), 249–251.