“Becoming Muslim”

A Comparative Archaeological Approach to the Material Markers of Islam in the Niger Bend, Mali and Eastern Ethiopia


  • Timothy Insoll Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter




archaeology, Gao, Harlaa, Mali, Ethiopia, Islamization


Archaeology is in a unique position to offer a material culture based perspective on Islamization and conversion to Islam, particularly in regions where historical sources might be limited or absent. This is explored with reference to two archaeological areas, Gao in Mali, and Harlaa in Ethiopia to assess if similar material markers can recur archaeologically through evaluating mosques, Muslim burials and Arabic epigraphy, settlement structure and domestic architecture, animal and plant remains, ceramics, and miscellaneous artifacts potentially suggestive of Islamization in both regions, primarily for the period between the 11th–13th centuries CE. It is concluded that the evidence from Gao and Harlaa attests the variety of interpretations of Islam that exist, but, correspondingly, through the recurrence of key markers such as mosques, Muslim burials, and Arabic epigraphy, also affirms material similarity, yet without having to make course to a unitary and erroneous concept of “African Islam.”

Author Biography

  • Timothy Insoll, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter

    Timothy Insoll is Al-Qasimi Professor of African and Islamic Archaeology at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, where he is also the founding Director of the Centre for Islamic Archaeology. He has completed archaeological fieldwork in Mali, Ghana, and Eritrea and has recently completed a major ERC AdG funded project, Becoming Muslim (ERC-2015-AdG BM694254) in Ethiopia. His most recent book, as editor with Bethany Walker and Corisande Fenwick, is the Oxford Handbook of Islamic Archaeology (Oxford University Press 2020).


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How to Cite

Insoll, T. (2023). “Becoming Muslim”: A Comparative Archaeological Approach to the Material Markers of Islam in the Niger Bend, Mali and Eastern Ethiopia. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 9(2), 135–171. https://doi.org/10.1558/jia.25864