Spolia and Umayyad Mosques

Examples and Meanings in Córdoba and Madinat al-Zahra'


  • Carmen González Gutiérrez University of Córdoba




Umayyads, mosques, spolia, Córdoba, Madinat al-Zahra, capitals


The use of Roman and Late-antique spolia in the erection of Umayyad infrastructures is extensively documented, from Bilad al-Sham to al-Andalus. Particularly in the latter, spolia were key in the construction of mosques, of which the Friday Mosque of Córdoba is the most paradigmatic example. The reuse of decorative and architectural materials in these religious spaces has been broadly discussed, and it has been often concluded that there were aesthetic, religious and ideological reasons, as well as strong political needs of legitimation and representation of the Umayyad dynasty. In this context, the case of the mosque of Madinat al-Zahra' is quite striking. Here, while spolia seem to have been absent, the capitals designed for its prayer room stand out for their particular characteristics, often described as resembling Visigothic models and as a product of rush. This paper aims to bring together the information available about the use of spolia in Umayyad mosques and its possible explanations, as well as to bring forward the particularities of the series of capitals designed for the mosque of Madinat al-Zahra', suggesting new ideas for their interpretation.

Author Biography

  • Carmen González Gutiérrez, University of Córdoba

    Carmen González Gutiérrez received an international PhD in archaeology from the Universities of Córdoba, Huelva, Málaga, and Pablo de Olavide (Seville) with her dissertation “Las mezquitas de la Córdoba islámica: concepto, tipología y función urbana.” She is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Art History, Archaeology and Music, specifically in the Archaeology Area (University of Córdoba). Previously, she was a MSCA-COFUND fellow at the Max Weber Kolleg (University of Erfurt, Germany). She is part of the Getty-sponsored workshop series “Mediterranean Palimpsests: Connecting the Art and Architectural Histories of Medieval & Early Modern Cities” (MCities) and a research member of the “DeIure” Project: De Iulius Caesar a los Reyes Católicos: análisis arqueológico de 1500 años de historia en la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba y su entorno urbano. She specializes in the medieval history and archaeology of al-Andalus, especially during the Umayyad period and paying particular attention to religious spaces. She has published on the medieval archaeology of Córdoba, Islamic architecture and the archaeology of mosques in al-Andalus.


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How to Cite

González Gutiérrez, C. (2022). Spolia and Umayyad Mosques: Examples and Meanings in Córdoba and Madinat al-Zahra’. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 9(1), 83-104. https://doi.org/10.1558/jia.23646