Thermoluminescence Analysis of Bricks from the so-called Arch of Ali Shah


  • Amin Moradi Independent Scholar
  • Marco Giovani Brambilla Visiting Professor, University of California in Los Angeles
  • Fereshteh Pashaei Kamali Islamic Azad University



Ilkhanid architecture, Timurid architecture, Mosque of Ali-Shah, Mausoleum of Ali-Shah, Memorial Architecture, Religious Architecture


The application of Thermally (TL) and Optically (OSL) Stimulated Luminescence on bricks used as building material can answer questions regarding the chronology of historical buildings. The remarkable historical reports of the “largest ever made brick vault” known as the Arch of Ali Shah (14th century) invoke the image of a gigantic structure adjoining the u-shaped brick monument in Tabriz. However, there is new scientific data that has led us to consider an alternate hypothesis regarding this monument that contradicts the traditional views of scholars. The attribution of this controversial building to Ali Shah, the great vizier of the Ilkhanid court, has long been considered an historical fact by scholars. To better understand the evolution of this unique structure, thermoluminescence (TL) was used to propose a relative dating for its construction. Surprisingly, the results yielded dates of 512±20, 514±27 and 517±21 AD (TL age, equaling 17th century), indicating that the u-shaped structure was built some 200 years after the Ilkhanid era. These dates, supplemented with historical context and architectural evidence, leads to the conclusion that it was used as a separate building before being integrated into the older building, thereby converting the entire complex into a formidable fortification. The remains of the so called Arch of Ali Shah are clearly of a later date, characterizing a completely different architectural style than those of the Ilkhanid period.

Author Biographies

  • Amin Moradi, Independent Scholar

    Amin Moradi (PhD in archaeology) is currently an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Otto-Friedrich University, Bamberg, Germany. His research interests cover several aspects across Seljuk and Mongol architecture in Iran.

  • Marco Giovani Brambilla, Visiting Professor, University of California in Los Angeles

    Marco Giovani Brambilla is a Visiting Professor at the University of California in Los Angeles, whose main research interests include Islamic art and architecture, especially the Ilkhanid era.

  • Fereshteh Pashaei Kamali, Islamic Azad University

    Fereshteh Pashaei Kamali (PhD in landscape architecture) is an academic member of the architecture and urban development of Maraghe branch, Islamic Azad University, Maraghe, Iran. Her research is situated in the field of urban planning, with a special focus on medieval Islamic cities.


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How to Cite

Moradi, A. ., Brambilla, M. G. ., & Kamali, F. P. . (2021). Thermoluminescence Analysis of Bricks from the so-called Arch of Ali Shah. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 7(2), 183–198.