Small Statue, Big Conspiracy

Evidence of Trade in Goods from Ancient Egyptian Tombs during the Fatimid Period


  • Hagit Torge Israel Antiquities Authority



shabti, Fatimid, Ramla, Saqqara


In a large excavation, located in the proximity of the White Mosque, a residential building dated to the Fatimid period was uncovered. The layout and the small finds of this spacious building attest to the wealth of its inhabitants. One special find was a shabti figurine found in a reception room. The figurine is evidence of robbery and trade in funerary items from Ancient Egypt.

Author Biography

  • Hagit Torge, Israel Antiquities Authority

    Hagit Torge received her BA and MA from Tel-Aviv University, and her PhD from Bar-Ilan University. She is currently a senior research archaeologist at the Israel Antiquities Authority, working in Central Region. She has conducted large excavations in the Biblical, Classical and Early Islamic periods, but her main research is the city of Ramla, and especially the pottery of the Early Islamic period.


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How to Cite

Torge, H. (2020). Small Statue, Big Conspiracy: Evidence of Trade in Goods from Ancient Egyptian Tombs during the Fatimid Period. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 7(1), 93-99.