The Early Islamic Pottery from the Monastery at al-Qusur
pottery, Early Islamic period, Sasanian, Eastern Christianity, Islamization, Arab-Persian GuldAbstract
The pottery discovered at al-Qusur (Failaka Island, Kuwait) is of first importance to clarify the dating of the Christian settlements of the Arab-Persian Gulf. Firstly attributed to the Sasanian period by their excavators on the base of pottery and stucco studies, theses sites were then attributed to the Early Islamic period by other scholars according to the artefacts published. Complete catalogues of the materiel unearthed on these sites are still lacking. This article offers a first overview of the pottery discovered at al-Qusur by the French Mission in Kuwait in 1988–1989 and in 2007–2009 in two buildings identified as two churches (A1 and A2), two courtyard houses (B1 and B8), and seven isolated buildings (B2–B7 and B9). The corpus was incomplete due to the loss of sherds from 1988 and 1989 campaigns during the Gulf war and to the treatment of part of the pottery discovered from 2007 to 2009. If quantification was meaningless and petrography impossible, this corpus reflects the cultural proximity of the site with Mesopotamia and Persia and diagnostic sherds such as pitchers with gouged lines or pointed circles with incised lines and gouged motifs, stamped sherds, carinated turquoise-glazed cups, attest that the main occupation of the site is related to an Early Islamic period. This dating is consistent with other Christian sites in the region, contradicting both Arabic and Syriac sources that propounded the disappearance of Christianity as soon as the beginnings of Islam.
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