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Frozen Pasts
Antisana Volcano – Ecuador. Photo © Jorge Anhalzer
The Pontifical Catholic University in Quito - Ecuador (PUCE-Q) is honored to host Frozen Pasts Conference 6 (FP6) in Quito, Equator, July 7 – 12, 2025.
Preliminary Conference Program:
July 7: Inaugural Museum Exhibition Opening: Past and present of gelid (extremely cold) cultural contexts at Chimborazo Volcano – Ecuador. Pontifical Catholic University Cultural Center.
July 8-11: Conference presentations and posters.
July 12: Field excursion to the volcano Antisana (Protected Area of Antisana).
Chimborazo Volcano – Ecuador
Details regarding lodging and registration will be forthcoming. For additional information contact:
Alden Yépez
Profesor Agregado 3
Carrera de Arqueología
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Lililya Harutyunnyan
Profesora Auxiliar
Carrera Lenguas Globales
Facultad de Lingüística y Literatura