Tracking the Cold

Remote Sensing for Glacial Archaeology


  • Gino Caspari The University of Bern



remote sensing, ice patches, melt monitoring,, SAR, NDSI, glacial archaeology


In recent years airborne and spaceborne remote sensing have developed into a widely applied tool for archaeologists. In glacial archaeology, it has been employed successfully, but could see a wider application among practitioners. This article summarizes common remote sensing approaches useful to archaeologists in cryogenic environments. It covers simple applications using easily accessible data in order to enable the practitioner to monitor melt and contextualize archaeological sites within a larger landscape setting. The improved resolution and availability of remote sensing data enhances its usefulness with regards to identifying, documenting and monitoring sites in frozen environments and is a valuable addition to most field research pertaining to glacial archaeology.

Author Biography

  • Gino Caspari, The University of Bern

    Gino Caspari (Ph.D.) is a Postdoc Mobility Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation and an Honorary Research Associate at Sydney University and University of Bern. He focuses on field archaeology, human environmental interaction, as well as remote sensing and geospatial analysis.


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How to Cite

Caspari, G. (2021). Tracking the Cold: Remote Sensing for Glacial Archaeology. Journal of Glacial Archaeology, 5, 85-102.