David Morgan. Knowing the Score: Film Composers Talk about the Art, Craft, Blood, Sweat, and Tears of Writing for Cinema New York: HarperCollins, 2000 [xix, 313 p. ISBN: 0380804824. $15.00 Music examples, illustrations, appendix, index.


  • Michael Remson University of Houston




Film scores, film music, composing for cinema

Author Biography

  • Michael Remson, University of Houston

    MICHAEL REMSON is a composer/librettist, author and educator, and Executive and Artistic Director of the American Festival for the Arts Summer Music Conservatory in Houston. He is on the faculty of the Houston Ballet Academy and the University of Houston Moores School of Music where he teaches various music history topics, including film music. He is the author of two books on nineteenth-century composer Septimus Winner (also known as Alice Hawthorne), Septimus Winner: wo Lives in Music (Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow, 2002), and its companion volume The Songs of Septimus Winner (Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow, 2003). He has also presented at the College Music Society and the Society for American Music. His compositions have been widely performed in the U.S. and Europe.







How to Cite

Remson, M. (2010). David Morgan. Knowing the Score: Film Composers Talk about the Art, Craft, Blood, Sweat, and Tears of Writing for Cinema New York: HarperCollins, 2000 [xix, 313 p. ISBN: 0380804824. $15.00 Music examples, illustrations, appendix, index. Journal of Film Music, 2(2-4), 285-287. https://doi.org/10.1558/jfm.v2i2-4.285