Dean Duncan. Charms that Soothe: Classical Music and the Narrative Film New York: Fordham University Press, 2003 [xiii, 211 p. ISBN: 0823222803. $26.00 (trade paper)] Communication and Media Studies, no. 9. Index.


  • Christine Lee Gengaro Los Angeles City College



classical music and film, film music

Author Biography

  • Christine Lee Gengaro, Los Angeles City College

    Christine Lee Gengaro is a full–time Assistant Professor of Music at Los Angeles City College where she teaches voice, music theory and music education. She is a graduate of the PhD program in music history at the University of Southern California. In 2005, she completed her dissertation about the novel, film, and play, A Clockwork Orange. Gengaro has presented and published papers about musical issues in the literature of Anthony Burgess and classical music in visual media. Gengaro was assistant to the Editor of the Journal of the American Musicological Society, and acted as Executive Editor of the online interdisciplinary music journal Resonance. Gengaro was the Program Book Editor for the Aspen Music Festival (2008), and has been an annotator for the Mozartwoche concert series in Vienna, the Ford Theatre Foundation, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, and promotional material for the San Francisco Symphony.







How to Cite

Gengaro, C. L. (2010). Dean Duncan. Charms that Soothe: Classical Music and the Narrative Film New York: Fordham University Press, 2003 [xiii, 211 p. ISBN: 0823222803. $26.00 (trade paper)] Communication and Media Studies, no. 9. Index. Journal of Film Music, 2(2-4), 267-269.