The Mystery of Herrmann's Music for Selznick's Portrait of Jennie


  • Thomas DeMary



<i>Portrait of Jennie</i>




Behlmer, Rudy. 1972. Memo from David O. Selznick. New York: Viking Press.

Goldsmith, Jerry. 1977. A conversation with Jerry Goldsmith. Film Music Notebook 3(2): 18-30.

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———. 1989. A conversation with Bernard Herrmann. Interview by Leslie T. Zador and Gregory Rose. In Film Music 1, ed. Clifford McCarty. New York: Garland Publishing.

Levant, Oscar. 1940. A smattering of ignorance. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co.

Morton, Lawrence. 1949. Music: Mr. Selznick’s Debussy. Script (March): 36.

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Palmer, Christopher. 1990. The composer in Hollywood. London: Marion Boyars.

Penn, William. 1985. The music for David O. Selznick’s production no. 103,” In Perspectives on music: essays on collections at the Humanities Research Center. eds. Dave Oliphant and Thomas Zigal. Austin: The University of Texas.

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Thomas, Tony. 1963. The soundtrack. Films in Review 14, no. 7: 429.

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How to Cite

DeMary, T. (2010). The Mystery of Herrmann’s Music for Selznick’s Portrait of Jennie. Journal of Film Music, 1(2/3), 153-182.