Erik Heine: James Newton Howard’s Signs: A Film Score Guide


  • Ben Erickson McGill University Alumnus



Film, Music, Guide, James Newton Howard, Signs


Erik Heine: James Newton Howard’s Signs: A Film Score Guide
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. [228pp. ISBN: 9781442256040. CAD66.89 (Kindle Edition)]. Scarecrow Film Score Guides, no. 17. Musical examples, filmography, bibliography, index.

Author Biography

  • Ben Erickson, McGill University Alumnus

    Ben Erickson is a singer and conductor with a Bachelor degree in Vocal Performance from the University of Manitoba Desautels Faculty of Music. Originally from Winnipeg, he went on to obtain a Masters degree in Choral Conducting at the McGill University Schulich School of Music in Montréal, and remains an active member of the Canadian choral scene. Ben is also editor of The Click Track, a site dedicated to multimedia music criticism, and has had reviews published by Film Score Monthly and Movie Music UK.


Bartkowiak, Mathew J, ed. 2010. Sounds of the Future : Essays on Music in Science Fiction Film. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co.

Donnelly, K. J, and Philip Hayward. 2012. Music in Science Fiction Television : Tuned to the Future. Routledge Music and Screen Media Series. New York: Routledge.

Hayward, Philip, ed. 2004. Off the Planet : Music, Sound and Science Fiction Cinema. London: John Libbey.

Heine, Erik. 2016. James Newton Howard's Signs : A Film Score Guide. Film Score Guides, 17. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

Johnson, Keith. 2011. Science Fiction Film : A Critical Introduction. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. New York: NY.

Rickman, Gregg. 2004, The Science Fiction Film Reader. Limelight. New York: NY.




How to Cite

Erickson, B. (2021). Erik Heine: James Newton Howard’s Signs: A Film Score Guide. Journal of Film Music, 9(1-2), 164-165.