The interaction of tonal alignment with vowel length and syllable structure in Lebanese Arabic


  • Niamh E. Kelly Newcastle University



tonal alignment, syllable structure, Arabic


Research on a variety of languages has shown that tonal alignment in pitch accents can be influenced by segmental factors such as syllable structure, onset type, and phonological vowel length (e.g., Ladd et al., 2000; Maddieson, 1997). However, the majority of work on these topics has been on European languages. The current study examines the interaction of these factors in the Beirut dialect of Lebanese Arabic. Disyllabic words with initial, stressed syllables that were either open or closed and contained either a long or a short vowel and had a simple or complex onset were examined when non-focused and in contrastive focus. Contrastive focus was associated with a wider f0 range. The focus pitch accent was H* or L+H*. In terms of segmental effects, neither vowel length nor syllable structure had a significant effect on tonal alignment. Timing of the f0 peak was found to be consistently about 45 msec from vowel onset. This study contributes to the literature on tonal alignment by examining a variety of Arabic that is understudied in terms of intonation.

Author Biography

  • Niamh E. Kelly, Newcastle University

    Niamh Kelly is a lecturer in phonetics and phonology at Newcastle University. She completed her PhD in Linguistics at the University of Texas at Austin in 2015 and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Graz, Austria from 2015 to 2016. She was then an assistant professor at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, until 2021, at which point she joined the University of Texas at El Paso as a visiting assistant professor. She joined Newcastle University in 2022. She uses quantitative methods to conduct research in phonetics and phonology, with a focus on prosody. Her research integrates approaches from phonetics, psycholinguistics, and theoretical phonology.

    She has worked on the lexical pitch accent of Norwegian, lexical stress in Welsh and Welsh English, and the production of stops by bilingual speakers of Armenian and English and Arabic and English. She has also examined the perception of stops by speakers of Irish English and US English and the production of laterals by bilingual speakers of Spanish and English.


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How to Cite

Kelly, N. E. (2024). The interaction of tonal alignment with vowel length and syllable structure in Lebanese Arabic. Journal of Connected Speech.