Distant Reading Conversion in Early Modernity


  • Stephen Wittek Carnegie Mellon University




Cognition, digital humanities, early modern, conversion


This essay provides an overview of the theory, methodology, and technical innovation driving the creation of Distant Reading Early Modernity (DREaM), a digital humanities platform that makes a massive corpus of early modern texts amenable for use with macro-scale analytical tools. Key focus areas include (i) introduction to DREaM and the Early Modern Conversions project, (ii) the argument for our approach to the early modern archive, (iii) overview of the digital tools available through DREaM-Voyant, (iv) the making of DREaM, and solutions to technical problems deriving from non-standardized spelling.

Author Biography

  • Stephen Wittek, Carnegie Mellon University

    Stephen Wittek is Assistant Professor of Renaissance Drama, at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Previously he was a scholar of Renaissance drama and manager of the Early Modern Conversions project at McGill University. His latest book is entitled The Media Players: Shakespeare, Middleton, Jonson, and the Idea of News (University of Michigan Press).


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Digital Humanities, Cognitive Historiography and the Study of Religion

How to Cite

Wittek, S. (2018). Distant Reading Conversion in Early Modernity. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 3(1-2), 119-133. https://doi.org/10.1558/jch.31658