Toward a Second Wave of Consilience in the Cognitive Scientific Study of Religion


  • Edward Slingerland University of British Columbia



cognitive science of religion, the dead, future, WEIRD societies


As a classicist religious studies scholar and someone involved in the growing cognitive science of religion movement, I find the essays in this inaugural issue of the Journal of Cognitive Historiography exciting, despite the fact that I know little about the Graeco-Roman world. In my contribution I have been asked to make a few concluding comments, and because I do not have a special area of interest I will focus primarily on some general theoretical and methodological issues raised by the essays in this issue of the journal.

Author Biography

  • Edward Slingerland, University of British Columbia

    Edward Slingerland is Professor of Asian Studies and Canada Research Chair in Chinese Thought and Embodied Cognition at the University of British Columbia, as well as Director of the Cultural Evolution of Religion Research Consortium (CERC).


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How to Cite

Slingerland, E. (2014). Toward a Second Wave of Consilience in the Cognitive Scientific Study of Religion. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 1(1), 121-130.