Deep Mapping the Thoughts and Emotions Evoked by the Historical Attractions of Sicily during the Grand Tour


  • Maria Cristina Manzetti University of Cyprus



deep map, Grand Tour, Sicily, antiquarianism, emotionology


This article presents an interdisciplinary approach which includes digital humanities, emotionology, and spatial humanities applied to an archaeological context. The aim is to produce a digital deep map, by means of the Geographical Information System (GIS), of the historical attractions of Sicily, Italy, depicting the emotional responses, and the opinions described in the travelogues of the Grand Tour travellers. Mapping the emotions and opinions of the travellers reveals the idea that Northern and Central European travellers had of Sicily. The article compares different historical landmarks and demonstrates that travellers had a major interest in Greek and Roman antiquities. However, we can see that there were also conflicting impressions about the same material evidence, or area. The combination of emotionology, archaeology, and spatial humanities helps in reasoning about the role of antiquities, the sense of place, and the identity of places and people.

Author Biography

  • Maria Cristina Manzetti, University of Cyprus

    Maria Cristina Manzetti obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where she specialized as a Roman landscape archaeologist in 2010. She attended a second level master’s course in Geotechnologies for archaeology at the University of Siena in 2011, where her interest in digital technologies began to develop. Manzetti obtained her PhD from the School of Architecture of the Technical University of Chania (Greece) in 2018. She is currently a YUFE Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cyprus. Her main interests in archaeology are virtual analyses, 3D modelling, GIS, deep mapping, and emotionology.


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How to Cite

Manzetti, M. C. (2024). Deep Mapping the Thoughts and Emotions Evoked by the Historical Attractions of Sicily during the Grand Tour. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 9(1), 105-124.