Homines Emotionales and Religion as an Evolutionary Exaptation

A Response to Leonardo Ambasciano


  • Anders Klostergaard Petersen Aarhus University
  • Jonathan H. Turner University of California
  • Armin W. Geertz Aarhus University
  • Alexandra Maryanski University of California




Neurosociology, Emotions, Evolution, Religion, History


This article offers a critical reply to Leonardo Ambasciano’s commentary on our volume (Turner et al. 2018) available in this same issue of the Journal of Cognitive Historiography.

Author Biographies

  • Anders Klostergaard Petersen, Aarhus University

    Anders Klostergaard Petersen is Professor at the Department for the Study of Religion at Aarhus University, Denmark. He has published extensively in the fields of Late Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity, and on methodological and theoretical questions pertaining to the overall study of religion and culture. He is currently involved in projects on biocultural evolution with a special focus on the history of religion.

  • Jonathan H. Turner, University of California

    Jonathan H. Turner is 38th University Professor, University of California System, Research Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA and Distinguished Professor of the Graduate Division, University of California, Riverside, USA. He is also Director of the Institute for Theoretical Social Science, Santa Barbara, USA.

  • Armin W. Geertz, Aarhus University

    Armin W. Geertz is Professor in the History of Religions at the Department for the Study of Religion, and Former Jens Christian Skou Fellow at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark. His publications include the cognitive science of religion and biocultural approaches to religion.

  • Alexandra Maryanski, University of California

    Alexandra Maryanski is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Riverside, USA.


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How to Cite

Petersen, A. K. ., Turner, J. H. ., Geertz, A. W. ., & Maryanski, A. . (2022). Homines Emotionales and Religion as an Evolutionary Exaptation: A Response to Leonardo Ambasciano. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 6(1-2), 157–171. https://doi.org/10.1558/jch.19353