Toxic Theisms? New Strategies for Prebunking Religious Belief-Behaviour Complexes


  • F. LeRon Shults University of Agder



Religion, theism, prebunking, debunking, cognitive bias


This article offers a brief epidemiological analysis and description of some of the main cognitive (and coalitional) biases that can facilitate the emergence and enable the maintenance of a broad category of toxic traditions, which will be referred to here as “religious” belief-behaviour complexes (BBCs) or “theisms”. I argue that such BBCs played an “adaptive” role in the Upper Paleolithic and have continued to “work” throughout most of human history by enhancing the species’ capacity for material production and promoting its biological reproduction. However, today the theist credulity and conformity biases that surreptitiously shape these kinds of social assemblages have now become maladaptive in most contexts in the Anthropocene. In order to help address the pressing global challenges our species faces, such as extreme climate change, excessive consumer capitalism, and escalating cultural conflict, I commend the use of “prebunking” and other debiasing strategies in our attempts to reduce the toxicity of theisms in the body politic.

Author Biography

  • F. LeRon Shults, University of Agder

    F. LeRon Shults is professor at the Institute for Global Development and Social Planning at the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway. He has published 18 books and over 100 scientific articles on topics in philosophy of religion, the scientific study of religion, and related fields. This article was written while the author was partially supported by the Modeling Religion in Norway (MODRN) project, funded by The Research Council of Norway (grant #250449).


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How to Cite

Shults, F. L. (2020). Toxic Theisms? New Strategies for Prebunking Religious Belief-Behaviour Complexes. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 5(1-2), 18-36.