Risto Uro, Ritual and Christian Beginnings: A Socio-Cognitive Analysis


  • Luca Arcari University of Naples Federico II




History of Christianity, Neurohistory, Cognitive Science of Religions


Risto Uro, Ritual and Christian Beginnings: A Socio-Cognitive Analysis (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). 230 pp. £55 (hbk). ISBN: 978-0-19966-117-6.

Author Biography

  • Luca Arcari, University of Naples Federico II

    Professor Arcari is Assistant Professor in History of Christianity and History of Religions at Federico II University (Department of Humanities) and Director of the FIRB Project – Future in Research 2012 “The Construction of Space and Time in the Transmission of Collective Identities - Religious Polarizations and/or Cohabitations in Ancient World (1st-6th cent. CE)”. He has published two books on the relationships between Revelation to John and Jewish Apocalyptic Literature, as well as a number of articles on New Testament, Early Christianity, Christian Gnosticism, History of Religions, Monotheism in Ancient World, Historical-Religious Historiography during 19th and 20th century.


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Book Reviews

How to Cite

Arcari, L. (2019). Risto Uro, Ritual and Christian Beginnings: A Socio-Cognitive Analysis. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 4(2), 272-276. https://doi.org/10.1558/jch.36616