What is Cognitive Historiography, Anyway? Method, Theory, and a Cross-Disciplinary Decalogue


  • Leonardo Ambasciano Independent researcher




cognitive historiography, cognition, cross-disciplinary integration, evolution, history, interdisciplinary collaboration


This contribution offers a tentative systemization of different strands of method and theory in the sub-field of cognitive historiography in the form of a decalogue and 30 reflections. The primary aim is to clarify the role of both interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-disciplinary integration. The secondary goal is to provide interested readers, colleagues, and young researchers from a wide range of different academic branches across the two cultures with a crash course and a protocol to basic collaborative research. An indicative and essential bibliography is also provided. This introductory opinion piece is open for further comments, additions, suggestions, and discussions.

Author Biography

  • Leonardo Ambasciano, Independent researcher

    Leonardo Ambasciano earned his Ph.D. in Historical Studies at the University of Turin, Italy, in 2014 with a cognitive and evolutionary analysis of the ancient Roman female cult of Bona Dea. In 2016, he was Visiting Lecturer in Religious Studies at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. He is the author of An Unnatural History of Religion: Academia, Post-Truth, and the Quest for Scientific Knowledge (Bloomsbury, 2018), and of various articles, book reviews, and chapters, the most recent of which is “Politics of Nostalgia, Logical Fallacies, and Cognitive Biases: The Importance of Epistemology in the Age of Cognitive Historiography,” in A New Synthesis for the Study of Religion: Cognition, Evolution, and History in the Study of Religion, edited by I. S. Gilhus, J. S. Jensen, L. H. Martin, J. Sørensen, and A. K. Petersen (Brill, 2018). He is Managing Editor of the Journal of Cognitive Historiography.


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Editorial opinion piece

How to Cite

Ambasciano, L. (2019). What is Cognitive Historiography, Anyway? Method, Theory, and a Cross-Disciplinary Decalogue. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 4(2), 136-150. https://doi.org/10.1558/jch.38759