Further thoughts, and a maniFESTo, on jazz (festivals) and the decolonization of music


  • George McKay University of East Anglia




festivals, slavery, heritage, history, musical instruments, materiality, manifesto, double bass


This short critical-creative piece originates in an EU-funded project on heritage in improvised music festivals (CHIME). It is a supplement to other recently published research by the author exploring the relation between the touristic offer of certain British jazz festivals and their lack of engagement with the significance of their own civic setting and heritage, focused on festivals held in Georgian or Regency locations (i.e., ones with strong links to the transatlantic slave trade). It explores and metaphorizes the double bass and its transatlantic resonances. It concludes with a small provocation in the form of a manifesto, aimed primarily at jazz festival directors.

Author Biography

  • George McKay, University of East Anglia

    George McKay is Professor of Media Studies at the University of East Anglia.


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How to Cite

McKay, G. . (2021). Further thoughts, and a maniFESTo, on jazz (festivals) and the decolonization of music. Jazz Research Journal, 14(2), 215–223. https://doi.org/10.1558/jazz.19432