Islay Jazz Festival


  • Haftor Medbøe Edinburgh Napier University
  • Diane Maclean Edinburgh Napier University



festival, jazz, culture, island, identity construction, festivalization


This article considers the ecologies and stakeholder interests that overlap in the staging of an annual jazz festival on a small Scottish island in the Outer Hebrides. Through interviews with festival promoters, performers and audience members, alongside insights from island residents, we interrogate the special circumstances governing the presentation of a festival of ostensibly urban music in a rural island location. Constructions of identity and myth are observed to permeate narratives around both festival and island, often symbiotically intertwined to mutual benefit. Nonetheless, tensions between incomer and visitor, the rural and the urban, ‘high’ and ‘low’ arts, nostalgia and progress are seen to emerge. In the discussion of the complexities involved in the import of a jazz festival to an island steeped in its own history, and internationally recognized for its manufacture and export of distinctive Scotch whisky, this article seeks to explore universal themes of identity construction through a finite study of a distinctly situated cultural festival.

Author Biographies

  • Haftor Medbøe, Edinburgh Napier University

    Haftor Medbøe is Associate Professor of Music and Head of Humanities & Culture in the School of Arts & Creative Industries at Edinburgh Napier University. As Jazz Musician in Residence, he directs the University’s annual Jazz Summer School and is founding chair of the Scottish Jazz Archive. His research interests lie in the overlapping communities of jazz production and reception.

  • Diane Maclean, Edinburgh Napier University

    Diane Maclean is Associate Professor and Interim Dean of the School of Arts & Creative Industries at Edinburgh Napier University. Her research is grounded in identity studies and applied through documentary film-making. Diane has produced a number of award-winning programmes for the BBC and has contributed to scholarly work on the role of interview and setting in identity construction.


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How to Cite

Medbøe, H., & Maclean, D. (2020). Islay Jazz Festival. Jazz Research Journal, 12(2), 213–236.