The Kitchen Orchestra Online

Digital mediation and collective practice


  • Andrew Dubber Birmingham City University



blog, collective, digital, media, performance, video, website


This article reports on a practice-led research project into digital mediation of a collective performance as part of a jazz festival in Stavanger, Norway. In the days leading up to the event, online audiences were able to engage with the participants, and thus contribute to the mediation of the collective practice as well as, to a more limited extent, the collective practice itself. The ways in which audiences and participants construct meaning from these engagements are explored and opportunities to consider and further develop ‘medium-appropriate mediation’ of collective practice are highlighted.

Author Biography

  • Andrew Dubber, Birmingham City University

    Andrew Dubber is Reader in Music Industries Innovation and the Award Leader for both the MA in Music Industries and the MA in Music Radio at the Birmingham School of Media. He is a researcher on the HERA-funded Rhythm Changes project, the author of the New Music Strategies blog and of the popular ebook Music in the Digital Age (2012). Dubber is also co-author of Understanding the Music Industries (Sage, forthcoming 2012) and is currently writing Radio in the Digital Age (Polity Books) for publication in 2013.


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How to Cite

Dubber, A. (2012). The Kitchen Orchestra Online: Digital mediation and collective practice. Jazz Research Journal, 5(1-2), 200-210.