

  • Tony Whyton University of Salford
  • Catherine Tackley Open University




Jazz, analysis, improvisation

Author Biographies

  • Tony Whyton, University of Salford

    Tony Whyton is Senior Lecturer in Music at the University of Salford. Tony’s research covers different aspects of jazz and contemporary music, including jazz pedagogy, the construction of community and the study of jazz mythologies. He was the founding editor of the source: challenging jazz criticism and is currently writing a book on the impact, influence and representation of icons in jazz. Tony is the principal investigator for the JISC-funded JazzHub digital repository project and a co-investigator for the ESRC-funded Investigating Musical Performance research programme.

  • Catherine Tackley, Open University

    Catherine Tackley is Lecturer in Music at the Open University, and was previously Head of the Centre for Jazz Studies at Leeds College of Music. Her book 'The Evolution of Jazz in Britain, 1880-1935' was published by Ashgate in 2005. She was Edison Fellow at the British Library National Sound Archive in 2006-7, and is now working on a major study of performances of Gershwin. In addition to co-editing the Jazz Research Journal, Catherine is a member of the editorial board of Studies in Musical Theatre. She is a conductor in classical and popular styles, and runs her own big band.


Cook, Nicholas. 2013. Beyond the Score: Music as Performance. New York: Oxford University Press.

Mawer, Deborah. 2014. French Music and Jazz in Conversation: From Debussy to Brubeck. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139775359







How to Cite

Whyton, T., & Tackley, C. (2015). Editorial. Jazz Research Journal, 7(2), 149-150. https://doi.org/10.1558/jazz.v7i2.26905