Historical overview of the development of jazz in Portugal, in the first half of the twentieth century


  • Pedro Cravinho University of Aveiro, Portugal and Birmingham City University, United Kingdom




Estado Novo, jazz, military dictatorship, Portugal, reception


The principal aim of this article is to give an historical overview of the development of jazz in Portugal during the first half of the twentieth century. As a matter of fact, little is known in the international jazz research community about Portuguese jazz historiography. Perhaps the best-known jazz-related episode was Charlie Haden’s arrest by the Portuguese political police in November 1971. However, the history of jazz in Portugal as musical and social practice is more complex than just the American musicians who visited the country. This article traces a broad perspective of the perceptions and attitudes of jazz held by musicians, aficionados and detractors, and the way in which those representations, perceptions and attitudes were conditioned by certain social-political conditions of the Portuguese history. It starts with the reception of the music in Portugal in the post WWI years and early jazz criticism. Statements about jazz that represent the dominant positions are analysed according to the Portuguese colonial ideology of the time. It continues with the development of jazz during both the Military Dictatorship period (1926–1932), and the Portuguese Estado Novo regime’s early years (1933–1945). It concludes in the post WWII years, with the emergence of Lisbon’s jazz scene and the foundation of Hot Club of Portugal.

Author Biography

  • Pedro Cravinho, University of Aveiro, Portugal and Birmingham City University, United Kingdom

    Pedro Cravinho currently is a Doctoral Visiting Researcher at Birmingham City University (UK). Cravinho is conducting his PhD research on Jazz on Television in Portugal during the Estado Novo regime (1956–1974), at the University of Aveiro (PT), under the supervision of Prof. Rosário Pestana (UA), and Prof. Nicholas Gebhardt (BCU), supported by FCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/ BD/8718/2012).


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How to Cite

Cravinho, P. (2016). Historical overview of the development of jazz in Portugal, in the first half of the twentieth century. Jazz Research Journal, 10(1-2), 75-108. https://doi.org/10.1558/jazz.v10i1-2.30175