Young Adult Ministry

Dogma, Spirituality, and Stages of Faith


  • Timothy Mullen Sheridan Institute of Higher Education
  • Trudi Cooper Edith Cowan University



Youth, Church, baptist, australia, fowler, slee


The research reported in this article examines what can be learnt from listening to young people who stay engaged with churches and those who leave. This research compared both groups’ experiences for further analysis. The authors analysed fourteen qualitative phenomenological interviews with young people aged 19–28 that documented young adults’ experiences of the Baptist Church in Perth, Western Australia. Attitudes to spirituality and dogma were central themes relevant to young people’s decision-making. The data was then compared with Fowler’s faith development theory, to find that many of the participants displayed faith styles reminiscent of individuative reflective faith, and their communities exhibited modal development akin to synthetic-conventional and mythic-literal faith. The article concludes by  suggesting that young people (both those who stayed and those who left the church) were seeking dialogue about faith and spirituality, and that dissonance between young people’s faith style and the modal faith style of their church community affected decisions to stay or leave the church, and this relationship was not always straightforward. The implications for youth ministry are that it would be beneficial to focus more on dialogue about faith which accommodates and explores disagreement and less on dogma.

Author Biographies

  • Timothy Mullen, Sheridan Institute of Higher Education

    Tim Mullen is a Lecturer in Sociology at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, Western Australia. His research has included youth work, youth ministry, spirituality and religion. Tim completed his Masters of Social Science in 2020, and is a PhD candidate at Edith Cowan University.

  • Trudi Cooper, Edith Cowan University

    Trudi Cooper is an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow, and Associate Professor of Youth Work at Edith Cowan University, Australia, where she leads the youth work degree programme and the social programme innovation research and evaluation (SPIRE) research group. Her research includes youth work theorization and youth research.


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How to Cite

Mullen, T. ., & Cooper, T. (2024). Young Adult Ministry: Dogma, Spirituality, and Stages of Faith. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 36(3), 293–316.